
WE CAN’T GET STUCK – WE NEED FRESH OIL! I KNOW THIS PROBABLY WON’T GET A LOT OF LIKES TODAY, but it is my heart to say it anyway. Apostolic and prophetic ministries, churches and leaders have the same opportunity to become “religious” as our predecessors. We have the same potential to get “stuck” as previous […]

INNOVATE – OR BECOME A DINOSAUR IN A MUSEUM Companies that have lost this creative and pioneering edge in the time we are living in quickly can become dinosaurs in a museum. Here’s an example of a company that was for a century the world’s most successful typewriter company – Smith & Corona. They believed […]

INNOVATION: The New Currency of Global Competition We are living in times and seasons of great change and transition around the world. In fact, things are changing so quickly, that the way we did things 20, or even 10 years ago, will not necessarily work in this season. IBM conducted a survey of 1,500 top […]

READY TO CATCH THE NEXT BIG WAVE? Hard to believe I was kind of good at this when living in Oaho, Hawaii 49 years ago. The key is paddling out into the deep and then waiting for the next wave. Just before it gets to you, you have to start paddling while still on your […]

UNDERSTANDING THE META-NARRATIVE IS CRITICAL Jean-François Lyotard, a 20th century sociologist, philospher and literary theorist well known for his articulation of post-modernism said “Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity towards meta-narratives.” Post-modern people are more and more resistant to meta-narratives. They feel that there are no grand stories which give meaning to […]

TRULY SAVED – OR LOST IN RELIGION? When Jesus sent out the 12, he told them to them specifically who they must first go to and also not go to. “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, preach this […]

CORNELIUS CONNECTIONS One of the ways God expands His Kingdom through us is by us being sensitive to the key Kingdom relationships that He wants us to build. There are certain people you must meet and connect with that are linked to your destiny. And if you are not walking in the Spirit and being […]

SOME OF YA’LL JUST TOO SKINNY IN THE SPIRIT – TIME TO FATTEN UP!!! I know we on all these latest diet crazes in America trying to figure out how we can lose weight without pushing away the plate. But as far as your spirit is concerned – well, some folks need to stop pushing […]

SOME THOUGHTS FOR 5-FOLD MINISTRY LEADERS Somewhere we got the idea recently in some parts of the church that apostleship was something you get promoted to – something you get elevated to – something you have an “enthronement” service for. You could desire to become a bishop, which is a man appointed position in the […]

YOU ARE DESTINED FOR GREATNESS!!! In Psalm 18:35 and 2 Samuel 22:36 King David says about God “Your gentleness has made me great.” What an awesome statement!! The word “gentleness” there in the Hebrew is “anvah” and can mean gentleness, humility, meekness, help. But I love this one – it can also mean condenscension. The Masoretic […]