I wonder if this is what our King and Lord on His throne does everytime He hears us preach or teach a message that is so off because it misrepresents His plan and purpose as written in Scripture. Apostles and Prophets – and all 5-fold ministy…we really need to become more theological.
Pentecostal, Charismatic, Full Gospel, Spirit-filled folks – I know we love the anointing – we love to move in the Spirit – prophesy – cast out devils – soak in His presence – heal the sick – flow in worship, etc etc. But we also need a clearer understanding of Scripture concerning the mission of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and the role of the church.
I have heard so many messages that just make you want to cringe, because they take Scriptures out of context and try to make them say something totally foreign to the text. (I actually may have preached a few in my earlier years of ministry – LOL).
META-NARRATIVE: Sometimes we get lost in the forest and can’t see the horizon anymore. We get lost in the details, and lose sight of the big picture. We need to pull back and approach things from a more meta-narrative perspective as far as God’s plan from Genesis to Revelation and stop putting our private interpretation on Scripture.
We need theological-apostles who really understand the meta-narrative thoroughly to help get much of the church back on track. We must read and interpret Scripture throught the hermeneutic (lens/filter) of the big picture of God’s plan – and through the hermeneutic of Christ’s mission. Many times we think we know – but really do not know fully because we ourselves have only heard and learned in part.
Having a correct understanding of the meta-narrative in terms of covenant and Kingdom and God’s big-picture plan as revealed from Genesis to Revelation is critical. It affects how we not only preach and teach, but how we prophesy and how we believe and live.
I believe we are entering a phase in our apostolic/prophetic movements where reformation is going to go to a whole new level in this season. I believe God is raising up theological apostles that will greatly challenge incorrect bad theology and really help us grasp the big picture in a greater measure. Then we won’t get the details so screwed up.
I would love to see even Acts 15 type Jerusalem Counsel gatherings of apostles and prophets to deal with areas of theology the church desperately needs to revisit. I believe God is going to shake some things up in this season. It will not be a comfortable time for some who want to hold on to incorrect positions that they cannot Scripturally defend. But that’s a good thing.
The Word of God is truth. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. He will lead and guide us into all truth. A new season of reformation is upon us and about to pick up steam very quickly.
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