Category : Music/Worship

Consider the hook in Eminem’s “The Monster,” which features Rihanna: “I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bed/Get along with the voices inside of my head/You’re trying to save me, buy anti smoke product usa, stop holding your breath/And you think I’m crazy, yeah, you think I’m crazy.” Then there’s Imagine Dragons, with its […]

The term is so new and hot off the press, it’s not even in the Urban Dictionary yet. The simple definition is: the apostolic dimension a rapper operates in when he/she is a “sent one” representing accurately the Sender.

Since I began my new career as an “Apostolic Rapper” at my ministry session at the Kingdom Innovation 2011 Conference, I found out that RAP was in the Bible. Check it out: Habakkuk 3:1 “A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet on Shigionoth.” Shigi…what??? SHIGIONOTH!!! In Hebrew it simply means a Dithyramb. A Dithy…what?? A DITHYRAMB!!! […]