We must periodically check our hearts to make sure that pride has not found a place there. If we have dealt with (or are dealing with) pride in our hearts, then our hearts will not be easily prone to deception. The Word of God says pride goes before destruction – before a fall. If we are developing Godly humility in our spiritual lives, then the fruit of that will also be a teachable spirit.
In many cases, deception will come knocking on the door of not necessarily lukewarm Christians, but those who are fervant, longing for new experiences with God, and deeper revelation of truth. Proverbs 11:14 says that in the multitude of many counselors there is safety (can also mean wisdom, victory, deliverance). The believer walking in humility with a teachable spirit, will be open to receiving counsel from trusted spiritual advisors/leaders. But pride will refuse such counsel.
AW Tozer once said, “The heart of man is like a musical instrument and may be played upon by the Holy Spirit, by an evil spirit, or by the spirit of man himself.”
When you consider how Simon Peter in Matthew 16 goes from one moment being blessed by the Father for receiving the rock of revelation that the church is founded upon: Jesus – Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Then at the end of the chapter he is rebuked by Jesus as He says “Get thee behind me satan.” Why? Because now he is receiving a communique from hell disagreeing with Jesus that it was the plan of God for Him to go to Jerusalem, die, and be raised from the dead.
Simon Peter went from revelation to deception in the same chapter. Somwhere pride got activated in him when he received this powerful revelation from the Father. Then that pride opened the door for him to receive deception.
We must walk in humility, and maintain a teachable spirit – even as we pursue a deeper walk with God, and a greater capacity to hear His voice and receive revelation.
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 10th, 2014 at 12:42 am
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