Deliverance from demons without also receiving a revelation of sonship that destroys the slave and orphan mentality, including discipleship to walk out that revelation and see it manifested, is an exercise in futility, and actually potentially dangerous, as Jesus said the demon will come back with seven demons more wicked, and the person’s last state will be far worse than the first.
Living in the revelation of sonship – our true identity in Christ, is critical to walking in freedom. God didn’t renovate Adam. No, He sent a last Adam to be the federal head of a New Creation, giving us the power and right to become sons of God in Him.
True freedom and emancipation comes from the revelation of our true identity in Christ. Once an oppressing harassing spirit is dislodged, he cannot come back to a true son walking in His New Covenant position of sonship and inheritance. You shall know the truth…and the truth you know will make you free.
I pray for everyone that reads this post – that the eyes of your heart would be illuminated with revelation to see the truth of this high calling of God in Christ Jesus – which is your calling to sonship – to become a son of the Most High God. And may your spirit cry out ABBA FATHER!!! In Jesus Name!
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