
Preaching should create a hunger in the one listening to desire greater humility, and therefore a greater submission to and dependence upon God, which will result in greater grace accessed, and the devil fleeing. (James 4:6-8) But it seems that much preaching today seemingly targets the pride in man, to only believe one’s self – […]

“BUT SUCH AS I HAVE, GIVE I THEE” (Acts 3:6) I remember when I first went to Kenya almost 30 years ago meeting a wonderful retired African-American woman of God in her late 60’s named Mary Smith, who had answered the call to leave New Jersey and move to Nairobi to minister. She hadn’t been […]

What is present truth? Taken from 2 Peter 1:12, simply put, it is truth from Scripture God is revealing and emphasizing in any season or generation to his people for the purpose of initiating new things, transforming his church, igniting revival, restoration and reformation, and ultimately advancing his Kingdom in the nations. When this happens, […]

“The religious spirit operates by fear and intimidation and tries to get you to back up off of the revelation you know to be truth.” 70 sec. video clip from my session at IMPACT Network’s SURGE 2014. You can still order my session, and the sessions of all the speakers plus the night of worship […]

THIS MESSAGE I RECEIVED FROM ONE OF MY SONS IN AFRICA TOUCHED AND BLESSED ME SO MUCH TODAY!!! “If my biologic father were alive, he would hug you and tell you, THANKS FOR GIVING MY SON THE OPPORTUNITY TO WALK TO HIS DESTINY. Thank you for being my special father. The same grace, the same, […]

Sometimes young emerging ministry leaders look at high profile “celebrity status” preachers and have such a desire to be like them, not knowing the “body count” of the spent lives of believers that were trashed along the road of unbridled ambition of some of these preachers. There are many honorable men and women of God […]

We as believers realize that different types of mental illnesses that affect adversely people such as schizophrenia, bi-polar and others do have a spiritual aspect to them, and that deliverance is a part of the process to wholeness. But sometimes in the church, we are “too spiritual” to also understand the medical ramifications of these […]

About 25 years ago, I was involved in pioneering, financially supporting, and overseeing 2 Somali church plants – one in Djibouti and one in neighboring northern Somalia. It had grown to what was at that time the largest Somali Christian church in the world – about 80 believers in total – 50 in Djibouti, and […]

You can’t go into all the world with your driver’s license or library card. It’s time to get a passport if you don’t have one yet!!! If you’re a US citizen, you can’t even go to Canada or Mexico without one anymore. I understand not everyone is called to extensively travel to the nations for […]

That is what David asked in his quest to take down the giant Goliath that was defying the armies of Israel. (1 Samuel 17:29) The Hebrew word for “cause” is “dabar” meaning a word; a matter; a thing; a cause to act on; advice; answer; business; case; commandment; concern. King Saul says to David, “you […]